Ever wonder how many calories your child really needs? While children should not be on calorie-restricted diets unless recommended by a doctor, it's good to be aware of your child's calorie needs so you can help them maintain
energy balance.
Step 1: The chart below can give you a general idea of how many calories your child needs per day based on his or her age range, gender, and physical activity level.
Walking to school is an example of being moderately active. Playing a game of
basketball is an example of being vigorously active.

Step 2: After you find out how many calories your child needs, use the chart below to help you plan how much food from each
food group to serve each day.
Keep in mind that if your child consumes extra calories beyond what is needed, the calories need to be burned off with extra physical activity. Extra calories can quickly add up depending on what your children eat or drink.
For example, if your child eats or drinks an extra 100 calories each day but does not burn them off, that's an extra 700 calories each week, an extra 2, 800 each month (4 weeks), or an extra 36,500 calories each year.
Step 3: Ask your child's doctor if you have any questions. Remember, these 2 charts are only a guide and each child's needs are different.
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