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Checkup Checklist: 1 Month Old

​​Can you believe your baby is already one month old? In addition to checking on your baby's developmental milestones, your pediatrician will also address what may feel like a million issues and questions. The list below are just some of the topics you may talk about at this visit.

Get the most out of your time with your pediatrician and make a list of your questions ahead of time.

✅ Immunizations

Your baby may receive a second dose of the Hepatitis B (HBV) vaccine at either the one-month or two-month checkup.

✅ Screenings

  • This is a great time to talk with your pediatrician about how things are going at home with your new baby. They may ask about how well baby is eating, if you have enough food, and feel safe and comfortable.

  • Your pediatrician might also ask how you are feeling. If you are feeling anxious or sad, or anything else, you are not alone and your pediatrician is ready to help.

✅Development & feeding

Your doctor will measure and weigh your baby to make sure their growth is on track, observe their development and behavior, and perform a physical exam.

Questions your pediatrician may ask

  • How's your feeding routine going? If you are having any issues with feeding (breast or bottle) now is the time to address them.

  • Tell me how you know what your baby wants. What is his cry like? Are the cries different at different times? What do you think they mean?

  • How many wet diapers and stools does your baby have each day?

Questions you may have

❓ Did you know
Safe sleep is so important, especially in these early months. To reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), place your baby on their back every time they sleep—at night and for naps.


Questions your pediatrician may ask

Questions you may have

✅ Urgent care & communication tips

The management of acute care for children under age 2 requires special expertise. Therefore, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) does not recommend retail-based clinics, telehealth services outside of the medical home, and those acute care services without pediatric expertise for children younger than 2 years.

Never hesitate to call your pediatrician's office with any questions or concerns—even if you know the office is closed. Pediatricians are very accustomed to taking phone calls at all times and can often deal with problems over the phone. If your pediatrician is unable to see you but believes your baby should be examined, he or she will advise you on the most appropriate place for your baby to receive care and how quickly your baby should be seen.

More information

Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics (Copyright © 2021)
The information contained on this Web site should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.
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