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Preschool Food And Feeding

You Asked: We Answered

We talked to hundreds of parents about what it’s like trying to raise a healthy preschooler. Parents shared their burning questions, biggest challenges, and best strategies.

We’ve taken the top questions from parents about food and feeding and answered them here. We’ve also included practical tips from other parents like you.

Keep reading to get more information on these questions:

What should my preschooler drink?

It’s always better to give your child plain milk or water instead of soda pop, sports drinks, or fruit juice — even if it’s 100% fruit juice. Soda pop, sports drinks, and fruit juice can add unneeded calories to your child’s diet as well as harm your child's teeth. Learn more about healthy drink choices.

How do I deal with my picky eater?

It’s normal for toddlers to go through a picky eating phase. As toddlers grow into preschoolers, however, this phase can turn into a habit. It can be frustrating, but with time, hard work and patience these habits can be changed. Of course, this is sometimes easier said than done, especially if the dinner table has turned into a battle zone!

Parent 2 Parent

"One word: Dip*! They’ll eat anything with dip — especially cut up fruits and vegetables."

*Try healthy dip options like low fat yogurt, low fat ranch dressing, or peanut butter. Check out these practical tips for managing your picky eater.

What are some ideas for simple, healthy snacks?

A growing preschooler needs 1 to 2 healthy snacks every day. Make snack time healthy with fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy to help your child get all the nutrients he needs. And you don’t have to be a great cook — healthy snacks can be fast and easy to make!

Help your preschooler stay at a healthy weight for life!

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