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Infant Parenting

You Asked: We Answered

We talked to hundreds of parents about what it’s like trying to raise a healthy baby. Parents shared their burning questions, biggest challenges, and best strategies.

We know how important the first years are for getting your child off to a healthy start. We also understand that being a parent is an important — and hard — job! So we talked to hundreds of parents to get their tips on parenting.

Below you’ll find some of our expert tips on raising a healthy baby.  Keep reading to get more information on these topics and questions:

Parent 2 Parent

"I used to drink a lot of soda, and my daughter was always grabbing for it. I switched to water because I didn’t want her to think soda was a healthy choice.  Now when she wants what I’m having, I feel good about it."

Set a good example so your baby learns healthy habits.

If you make healthy choices, your baby will grow up thinking this is the normal way to live. Ask your baby’s doctor about parenting groups that meet near you to get advice from other parents about tips that have worked for them. Get more ideas.

Get your family and childcare providers on your team.

It can be frustrating if childcare providers or family members are feeding your baby unhealthy foods. It can be difficult to speak up — but you’ve got your baby’s health in mind! Try saying something like “I'm trying to limit the amount of sugar and juice that Ana is having. Breast milk or formula is best." Find out more.

Talk to other parents.

It helps to talk to other parents to get tips about breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, and healthy snacks. You’ll probably have creative ideas for them, too! See some tips from other parents now.

Set a routine for your baby.

What do eating and sleeping routines have in common? They can both help your baby stay at a healthy weight as he grows up! Find out more.

Help your baby stay at a healthy weight for life!

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