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Toddler Activity

You Asked: We Answered

We talked to hundreds of parents about what it’s like trying to raise a healthy toddler. Parents shared their burning questions, biggest challenges, and best strategies.

We’ve taken the top questions from parents about physical activity and answered them here. We’ve also included practical tips from other parents like you.

Keep reading to get more information on these questions:

Parent 2 Parent

"My daughter’s favorite game is freeze dance. We put on her favorite music and take turns turning it on and off."

Does my toddler really need extra physical activity?

Toddlers need daily physical activity — just like you do! Active play helps your child develop strong muscles and good coordination skills. Even if you live in an area where your child can’t play outside, you can try indoor activities like hide and seek or dancing to your favorite music together. Find out more about getting your toddler active.

How should I manage my toddler’s TV time?

Did you know that kids who watch more than 2 hours of TV a day are more likely to be overweight or obese as they get older? If TV time has gotten a bit out of control in your home, you are not alone! Get more tips on managing your toddler’s TV time.

Help your toddler stay at a healthy weight for life!

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