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Toddler Food And Feeding

You Asked: We Answered

We talked to hundreds of parents about what it’s like trying to raise a healthy toddler. Parents shared their burning questions, biggest challenges, and best strategies.

We’ve taken the top questions from parents about food and feeding and answered them here. We’ve also included practical tips from other parents like you.

Keep reading to get more information on these questions:

Parent 2 Parent

"I give my child a choice between two healthy options: ‘Do you want a banana or an orange?’ I know she will make it easier on me if there’s a choice rather than me saying please eat your banana."

How can I get my toddler to eat healthy foods?

Toddlers are learning what they do and don’t like — and it can take them awhile to get used to new foods. A little patience and creativity can help you both get through this challenging stage.

Is it okay to give my toddler juice?

Milk and water are the healthiest choices for toddlers. Even 100% fruit juice can harm your child’s teeth and add unneeded calories to his diet. Give your child plain milk and water to help your toddler stay at a healthy weight for life! Learn more about healthy drink habits.

Help your toddler stay at a healthy weight for life!

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