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  • Small raised growths that have a smooth, waxy surface
  • The medical name is molluscum contagiosum
  • Viral infection of the skin
  • A doctor has told you your child has molluscum or
  • Your child has had close contact with another person who has it

Symptoms of Molluscum

  • Small bumps with a skin-colored, smooth surface
  • Most have a tiny dimple (indent) in center
  • Bumps are firm with a core of white material.
  • Are many different sizes, from pinhead to ¼ inch (3 to 6 mm) across
  • Can occur anywhere on the body, but usually stay in just one area
  • Are sometimes itchy, but not painful
  • Usually age 2 to 12 years
  • Most infected children get 5 to 10 of them

Cause of Molluscum

  • They are caused by a poxvirus. This is a different virus than the one that causes warts.
  • Friction or picking at them causes them to increase in number.

To Treat or Not to Treat?

  • Some doctors advise not treating them if there are only a few. Reason: They are harmless and painless.
  • They have a natural tendency to heal and go away on their own.

When Special Treatment is Considered

  • Your child picks at them
  • They are in areas of friction (for example, the armpit)
  • They are spreading quickly or
  • You feel they are a cosmetic problem

Prevent Spread to Others

  • Avoid baths or hot tubs with other children. Reason: can spread in warm water.
  • Also, avoid sharing washcloths or towels.
  • Contact sports: can spread to other team members. They should be covered or treated.
  • Time it takes to get them: 4 to 8 weeks after close contact.

Barton Schmitt MD, FAAP
Disclaimer: this health information is for educational purposes only. You, the reader, assume full responsibility for how you choose to use it.
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