
Burn - First Degree
The photo shows a 6 inch (15 cm) wide area of mild redness without blistering on the forearm. This thermal burn was caused by spilled hot water.
First Aid Care Advice:
- Put the burned part in cold tap water right away or pour cold water over it for 10 minutes or cover with a cold wet washcloth.
- Reason: this lessens the depth of the burn and relieves pain.
Source: Self Care Decisions, LLC
Used with Permission from Schmitt Pediatric Guidelines LLC.

Burn - Second Degree
This shows a second degree burn that is caused by heat. The burn area is swollen and bulging with blisters.
First Aid Care Advice:
- Right away, put the burned part in cold tap water or pour cold water over it for 10 minutes. Reason: this lessens the depth of the burn and relieves pain.
- Cover with a cold wet washcloth and seek emergency care.
Source: Self Care Decisions, LLC
From the Dr. William Weston Collection of Pediatric Dermatology. Used with permission.

FIRST AID Advice - Thermal Burn
- Right away, put the burned part in cold tap water or pour cool water over it for 20 minutes. Reason: lessen the depth of the burn and relieve the pain.
- For burns on the face, apply a cold wet washcloth.
- Do this right away. Don't take time to remove clothing.
Note: a thermal burn is any burn caused by heat.
Source: Self Care Decisions, LLC
Used with Permission from Schmitt Pediatric Guidelines LLC.