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Safety & Prevention

Extreme Heat: Tips to Keep Kids Safe When Temperatures Soar

Protecting Children from Extreme Heat: Information for Parents Protecting Children from Extreme Heat: Information for Parents

By: Dele Davies, MD, MS, MHCM, FAAP

Usually, playing and exercising outside boosts a child's physical and mental health in many ways. However, a heat index at or above 90°F, as identified by the National Weather Service, poses a significant health risk.

High temperatures and extreme heat can cause children to become sick very quickly in several ways. It can cause dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat cramps and heat stroke, which is a medical emergency. High heat can also make everyone more irritable. And with extreme heat increasing in areas of the United States due to climate change, "eco-anxiety" can cause emotional distress.

Take steps to protect your children from extreme heat events as much as possible, watch for symptoms of heat illness, and call your pediatrician if you see any develop.

Play it cool in extreme heat

When it's very hot, going to the swimming pool or beach for a short time or staying inside to work on crafts, reading or playing board games makes the most sense.

Plan ahead if you know there will be several days of high heat in a row. Try to think of creative ways to have kids switch up their activities and avoid "cabin fever" or restless, irritable feelings. To help them stay active, suggest some easy yoga stretches or playing indoor hide-and-seek or making up fun physical challenges that aren't too strenuous.

What to do if you don't have air conditioning

If your home does not have air conditioning, find a nearby building that does. Libraries and shopping malls can be great places for a cool retreat from the heat.

If you live in a place where there are frequent power outages or your air conditioning is not consistently working, identify a safe place for your family to go during times when the temperatures are very high. Many towns and cities offer cooling centers in gyms or other large buildings for those who need relief from the heat.

While at home, close your window blinds and curtains. Lower floors tend to be cooler.

What about fans?

Fans may be helpful in cooling down if you have no access to any air conditioning. But, keep these safety tips in mind:

  • If you do use a fan, keep it at a safe distance from you and your children to avoid safety hazards (such as pinched fingers or fans connecting with water).

  • Don't point the fan directly at you in extreme heat. Fans can help hot air flow out or draw cooler air into a room. But avoid directing the flow of fans toward yourself when the room temperature is hotter than 90°F. The dry blowing air can raise dehydration risk.

Tips to beat the heat

If you are going to be outside, there are several steps you can take to beat the heat and protect your child from heat-related illness and hazards:

  • Stay hydrated: Encourage your children to drink water frequently and have it readily available—even before they ask for it. Take water bottles with you if you go out. On hot days, infants receiving breast milk in a bottle can be given additional breast milk in a bottle, but they should not be given water, especially in the first 6 months of life. Infants receiving formula can be given additional formula in a bottle.

  • Dress lightly: Light-colored clothing can help kids stay cool and prevent heat stress from excessive heat absorption; darker colored clothes typically provide slightly better sun protection. Also try to choose loose fitting clothing—ideally that offers both adequate ventilation and protection against direct sun exposure. Clothing made with just one layer of absorbent material can help maximize evaporation of sweat, which has a cooling effect (kids have lower sweat rates adults). Use plenty of sunscreen.

  • Plan for extra rest time: Heat can often make children (and their parents) feel tired. High heat can not only cause people to feel tired, but it may also contribute to irritability. Come inside regularly to cool off, rest and drink water.

  • Cool off with water. When your child is feeling hot, give them a cool bath or water mist to cool down. Swimming is another great way to cool off while staying active. Remember that children should always be supervised while swimming or playing in water to prevent drowning.

  • Never leave your child alone in a car: The inside of a car can become dangerously hot in just a short amount of time, even with the windows open.

Watch for signs of heat illness

Call your pediatrician immediately if your child develops any of the following symptoms:

  • Feeling faint

  • Extreme tiredness (eg, unusually sleepy, drowsy, or hard to arouse)

  • Headache

  • Fever

  • Intense thirst

  • Not urinating for many hours

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Breathing faster or deeper than normal

  • Skin numbness or tingling

  • Muscle aches

  • Muscle spasms


Don't hesitate to call your child's pediatrician for guidance on how to protect your child during extreme heat.

More information

About Dr. Davies

Pediatrician Dr. Davies

Dele Davies, MD, MS, MHCM, FAAP, is a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Children and Disasters Executive Committee. Dr. Davies is the senior vice chancellor for academic affairs and dean for graduate studies at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. He also serves on the National Biodefense Science Board for the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response and co-chairs its Readiness and Resilience Working Group. Dr. Davies received his MD, as well as a master’s degree in Community Health, from the University of Toronto and holds a degree in health care management from the Harvard School of Public Health.

Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Children and Disasters (Copyright © 2021)
The information contained on this Web site should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.
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