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Ages & Stages

Safety for Your Child: 10 Years

Did you know that injuries are the greatest threat to the life and health of your child? Injuries are the leading cause of death of school-aged children. Yet you can prevent most major injuries if you and your child take a few simple steps.

At age 10, children will do more things away from home. They will spend more time on a bike or in a car and will not see the need for adults to watch over them. You must take charge; you must remind your child of safety! It takes only a few steps to prevent major, common injuries. 

Firearm Hazards

It is best to keep all guns out of your home. Handguns are especially dangerous. If you choose to keep a gun, store it unloaded and in a locked place, separate from ammunition. Your child is in more danger of being shot by himself, his friends, or a family member than of being injured by an intruder. 

  • Ask if the homes where your child visits have a gun and how it is stored.

  • Talk to your child about guns in school or on your streets.

  • Find out if your child's friends carry guns.  

Sports Safety

At this age your child may be playing baseball, soccer, or other sports. Ask your doctor which sports are right for his or her age.

Be sure your child wears the protective equipment made for that sport, such as:

  • Shin pads

  • Mouth guards

  • Wrist guards

  • Eye protection

  • Helmets

Ask your child's coach what is needed.  

And Remember Car Safety

Your child must buckle the seat belt EVERY TIME he or she rides in any car. Booster seats should be used until the lap belt can be worn low and flat on your child's hips and the shoulder belt can be worn across the shoulder rather than the face or neck (usually at about 80 pounds and about 4 feet 9 inches tall). Remind your child to buckle up when riding with others. Ask your child to remind you to buckle up, too! Install shoulder belts in the back seat of your car if they are not already there. Serious injuries can happen to your child when a lap belt is used alone. The safest place for all children to ride is in the back seat

Bike Safety

Your child may want to ride his or her bike farther away from home. Teach your child the "Rules of the Road" and be sure your child knows them. You must watch your child to be sure he or she can handle a bike safely. Make sure your child always wears a helmet while riding a bike. It is still very dangerous for your child to ride at dusk or after dark. Make sure your child brings in the bike as soon as the sun starts to set.


Would you be able to help your child in case of an injury? Put emergency numbers by or on your phone today. Learn first aid and CPR. Be prepared.....for you child's sake!  ​

Last Updated
TIPP: The Injury Prevention Program (Copyright © 1994 American Academy of Pediatrics, Updated 11/2012)
The information contained on this Web site should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.
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