If you are breastfeeding and plan to take any kind of medicine—whether prescription or over-the-counter—be sure to discuss with your doctor or your child's pediatrician. While many medications are safe during breastfeeding, a few can have serious side effects for you and your baby (and they are not necessarily the same ones that were most concerning during pregnancy).
What the AAP recommends
Much is still unknown regarding long-term effects of various kinds of medications on babies. For this reason, while you are breastfeeding, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises:
Medication & breastfeeding: more safety considerations
Is your medication short-acting or long-acting?
When possible, use short-acting medications
(those eliminated by your body quickly) rather than longer-acting medication. Short-acting medicines are best taken immediately after a nursing session, while longer-acting medicines should be taken just before your baby's longest sleep period. When a short-acting medication is taken immediately after a nursing session, there is a good chance that much of it will already be out of your body's system by the time your baby is ready to nurse again.
Watch for reactions in your baby:
When taking any medication, watch closely for
reactions in your baby, including loss of appetite, diarrhea, sleepiness, excessive crying, vomiting or skin rashes. Call your baby's pediatrician immediately if any of these symptoms appear.
When to express and store your milk:
If your doctor needs to prescribe a potentially harmful drug for a short time, you may
express and store your milk until the medication is cleared from your body. The length of time required to clear the drug from your system varies based on the particular medication, but your doctor can advise you about this. Pumping and discarding breast milk exposed to medication is rarely indicated. It is recommended that you have a discussion with both your doctor and a lactation consultant prior to discarding any milk.
What about birth control while breastfeeding?
Frequent, exclusive breastfeeding (no water, juice, formula, solid foods, or other supplements for the baby), including at least one night feeding, may delay your chances of becoming pregnant during the first 6 months after birth. After about 6 weeks, especially if you are only partially breastfeeding, you can begin using contraceptives if your milk supply is firmly established. You should discuss the issue with your doctor.
Keep in mind:
While there are no harmful effects on infants when nursing parents use contraceptives, research has shown that birth control pills with high doses of estrogen may
decrease milk supply.
Progestin-only pills
(sometimes referred to as mini-pills) are least likely to interfere with breastfeeding, although they have increased side effects for the mother.
Consider using condoms, a diaphragm, intrauterine device (IUD) or a cervical cap and spermicide instead; these forms of birth control are least likely to interfere with your milk supply.
Are homeopathic & herbal medicines safe while breastfeeding?
While many homeopathic and herbal remedies are generally safe, some remedies may be harmful for breastfeeding women and infants. In many cases, very little scientific research has been done on the use of such treatments while nursing.
It's safest to avoid taking herbs or other homeopathic medications before discussing it with your doctor first. If you do take a homeopathic or herbal remedy, the same recommendations apply as with any other medication: take the smallest dose possible, and always take right after nursing to minimize medication amounts in your breast milk.
Always make your doctor aware of any medications you are taking while you are breastfeeding. Communication is key to the safety of both you and your baby.
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