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Checkup Checklist: 4 Months Old

Your baby is getting bigger! They're also growing more interested in what you're doing. They may coo to get your attention. You may even hear a little chuckle if you try to make them laugh.

It's time for your baby's next well-child visit. In addition to the standard physical exam and measurements, here's what you can expect at your baby's 4-month checkup.

✅ Immunizations

At the 4-month visit, your baby may receive the second doses of the following vaccines:

✅ Screenings

  • Postpartum depression: Your pediatrician will ask you how you are feeling. If you are having postpartum issues with anxiety or sadness, or anything else, please feel free to discuss it with your baby's pediatrician.

  • Hematocrit or hemoglobin screening: If your baby was born preterm or with a low birth weight, they may receive this blood screening that helps detect anemia. Your pediatrician may ask you if your baby is drinking anything other than breast milk or iron-fortified formula, as it is a risk factor for developing anemia.

✅Feeding & development

Your pediatrician will measure and weigh your baby to make sure their growth is on track, observe their development and behavior, and perform a physical exam.

Questions your pediatrician may ask

  • How does your baby fall asleep? Are you giving them a bottle?

  • Do you have questions about cleaning your baby's gums and teething?

  • If you are breastfeeding, are you giving your baby an iron supplement? (The AAP recommends giving breastfed infants 1 mg/kg/day of a liquid iron supplement until iron-containing solid foods are introduced at about six months of age).

Questions you may have

❓ Did you know
It is never too early to start reading with your baby. It doesn't' matter if you read them a sports story or Elmo book—it will be the time you share together that counts, so have fun with it!


Questions your pediatrician may ask

  • Where does your baby sleep at night? A safe sleep space is crucial.

  • Are you placing baby in a rear-facing car seat?

  • Is your home's water heater set so the temperature at the faucet is at or below 120 degrees Fahrenheit (59 degress Celsius)?

Questions you may have

✅ Communication tips

Never hesitate to call your pediatrician's office with any questions or concerns—even if you know the office is closed. If your pediatrician is unable to see you but believes your baby should be examined, they will advise you on the most appropriate place for your baby to receive care and how quickly your baby should be seen.

More information

Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics (Copyright © 2021)
The information contained on this Web site should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.
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