Did you know that there are about 5 million children in the United States who wet the bed? If your child wets the bed, they are not alone.
Although most children are toilet trained between 2 and 4 years of age, some children may not be able to stay dry at night until they are older. Children develop at their own rate. For example, studies have shown that 15% of 5- and 7-year-olds wet the bed. But by age 15, fewer than 1% wet the bed.
Bedwetting is not a serious medical condition, but it can be a challenging problem for children and parents. Read on to find out more about bedwetting and what families can do about it.
Reasons for bedwetting
Here are 3 common reasons for bedwetting:
Communication between the brain and bladder. If the bladder signals the brain that it's filling up with urine—and the brain doesn't send a message back to the bladder to relax and hold the urine until morning—bedwetting will happen. Likewise, if the bladder signals the brain that it's filling up with urine and the brain doesn't hear the signals, especially during deep sleep, bedwetting will happen.
Stress or trauma. Sometimes when children experience stress or traumatic events, or when they get sick or constipated, children who have previously been dry at night can have bouts of bedwetting. This is a different problem than the child who has never been dry at night. Children with these short-term episodes of bedwetting usually have dry nights when the underlying problem resolves.
Medical concerns. Rarely, some children begin to wet the bed as a result of a serious medical problem.
What you can do
Most children wet their beds during toilet training. Even after they stay dry at night for a number of days or even weeks, they may start wetting at night again. If this happens to your child, simply go back to training pants at night and try again another time. The problem usually disappears as children get older. If children reach school age and still have problems wetting the bed, it most likely means they have never developed nighttime bladder control.
If you are concerned about your child's bedwetting or your child expresses concern, talk with your child's doctor. You may be asked the following questions about your child's bedwetting:
Is there a family history of bedwetting?
How often and when does your child urinate during the day?
Have there been any changes in your child's home life such as a new sibling, a move, or other family issue? Does your child drink a lot of water before bed?
Is there anything unusual about how your child urinates or the way the urine looks?
Signs of a medical problem
If your child has been completely toilet trained for 6 months or longer and suddenly begins wetting the bed, talk with your child's doctor. It may be a sign of a medical problem. However, most medical problems that cause bedwetting to recur suddenly have other signs, including:
Changes in how much and how often your child urinates during the day
Pain, burning, or straining while urinating
A very small or narrow stream of urine or dribbling
Cloudy or pink urine or bloodstains on underpants
Daytime and nighttime wetting
Sudden change in personality or mood
Poor bowel control
Urinating after stress (coughing, running, or lifting)
Certain gait disturbances (problems with walking that may mean an underlying neurologic problem)
Continuous dampness
If your child has any of these signs, please contact your pediatrician. If necessary, they will refer you to a pediatric urologist, a doctor who is specially trained to treat children's urinary problems.
Managing bedwetting
Keep the following tips in mind:
Do not blame your child. Remember that it is not your child's fault. Offer support, not punishment, for wet nights.
Be honest with your child about what is going on. Let your child know it's not their fault and that most children outgrow bedwetting.
Be sensitive to your child's feelings. If you don't make a big issue out of bedwetting, chances are your child won't either. Also remind your child that other children wet the bed.
Protect the bed. A plastic cover under the sheets protects the mattress.
Let your child help. Encourage your child to help change the wet sheets and covers. This teaches responsibility. It can also keep your child from feeling embarrassed if the rest of the family knows. However, if your child sees this as punishment, it is not recommended.
Set a no-teasing rule in your family. Do not let family members, especially siblings, tease your child. Let them know that it's not your child's fault.
Be aware of your child's urine and bowel habits.
Bedwetting alarms
If your child is still not able to stay dry during the night after using these stepsfor a few months, a bedwetting alarm may be considered.When a bedwetting alarm senses urine, it sets off an alarmto awaken the child to use the childto use the toilet. When used correctly, it will detect wetness right away and sound the alarm.
Bedwetting alarms are successful 50% to 75% of the time. They tend to be most helpful for children who are deep sleepers and have some bladder control on their own. Ask your child's doctor which type of alarm may be best for your child.
Medicines are available to treat bedwetting for children 6 years and older. Though medicines rarely cure bedwetting, they may be helpful—especially when children begin attending sleepovers or overnight camps. Your child's doctor can tell you more about these medicines and if they are right for your child. Remember to ask about possible side effects.
Beware of "cures"
There are many treatment programs and devices that claim they can "cure" bedwetting. Be careful; many of these products make false claims and promises and may be very expensive. Your child's doctor is the best source for advice about bedwetting. Talk with your child's doctor before starting any treatment program.
Stay positive
Do not be discouraged if one treatment does not work. Some children will respond well to a combination of treatments. If your child is one of a small number of children who do not respond to any treatment, talk with your child's doctor about ways to manage bedwetting.
Also, in most cases, bedwetting decreases as the child's body matures. By the teen years, almost all children have bladder control for dry nights.
All children benefit from emotional support from their family. Support from your child's doctor or other health professionals can also help.
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