All parents anticipate and track their child's development, and the majority of the time children meet their milestones on time. However, some parents get concerned when their child doesn't do something by the age they are "supposed to." It's even worse when a friend or relative is telling you all the amazing things their child is doing that yours is not.
Part of all well-child care visits
well-child care visits should include specific questions about your child's development and behavior. At the minimum, at certain intervals (9, 18, 30 and 48 months) a formal developmental screen should be given. Either a parent-completed or directly administered developmental screening tool may be used.
Formal developmental screens should also be completed whenever there's a concern about development, whether it be a parent or a pediatrician's concerns. These screens look at all areas of development—language/communication, problem-solving, social-emotional and fine and gross
motor skills. An
autism screening should be completed on all children at 18 and 24 months.
Common screening tools used to help identify children at risk for developmental delays and/or autism
Ages and Stages questionnaire
Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status
Modified Checklist for Autism In Toddlers
As long as those periodic evaluations are normal, you can rest assured that your child is developing appropriately and should be fine.
If a problem is identified
When problems are identified, the first step is a referral to
early intervention. This s provided under a federal law called the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Early intervention is available in every state.
Your pediatrician may also refer your child to a
developmental-behavioral pediatric specialist who can provide developmental and medical evaluations and follow-up for developmental problems.
Why you & your child are teachers
As a parent, you're teaching your child constantly, whether or not you're even trying. Your child is watching your every move and imitating you in words, gestures, and actions. All the while, they are teaching you. They help you become a more responsive parent and eventually bringing you facts, music, adventures and philosophies you would never have encountered without them.
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