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Ages & Stages

Parent-Teen Driving Agreement

AAP Safe Driving Agreement AAP Safe Driving Agreement

Before your teen driver gets behind the wheel, they need to learn the rules of the road. Setting your family's own rules about driving privileges is also key to keeping them safe.

Use our Parent-Teen Driving Agreement to create clear expectations and limits. Hang it on your fridge or keep it with the car keys, and have ongoing discussions about driving safety. You can update the agreement as your teen gains experience and more driving privileges.

Print or download our Parent-Child Safe Driving agreement from a fillable PDF here.

Safe Driving Agreement

I, _______________________ , will drive carefully and cautiously and be courteous to other drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians at all times.

I Promise:

I promise that I will obey all the rules of the road.

Safety Check

Never use the car to race or to try to impress others.

Safety Check

Always wear a seat belt and make all my passengers buckle up.

Safety Check

Obey all traffic lights, stop signs, other street signs and road markings.

Safety Check

Stay within the speed limit and drive safely.

Safety Check

Never use the car to race or to try to impress others.

Safety Check

Never give rides to hitchhikers.

I promise that I will make sure I can stay focused on driving.

Safety Check

Never text while driving (writing, reading or sending messages)

Safety Check

Never talk on the cell phone—including hands-free devices or speakerphone—while driving.

Safety Check

Drive with both hands on the wheel.

Safety Check

Never eat or drink while driving.

Safety Check

Drive only when I am alert and in emotional control.

Safety Check

Call my parents for a ride home if I am impaired in any way that interferes with my ability to drive safely, or if my driver is impaired in any way.

Safety Check

Never use headphones or earbuds to listen to music while I drive.

I promise that I will respect laws about drugs and alcohol.

Safety Check

Drive only when I am alcohol- and drug-free.

Safety Check

Never allow any alcohol or illegal drugs in the car.

Safety Check

Be a passenger only with drivers who are alcohol- and drug-free.

I promise that I will be a responsible driver.

Safety Check

Drive only when I have permission to use the car and I will not let anyone else drive the car unless I have permission.

Safety Check

Drive someone else's car only if I have parental permission.

Safety Check

Pay for all traffic citations or parking tickets.

Safety Check

Complete my family responsibilities and maintain good grades at school as listed here:


Safety Check

Contribute to the costs of gasoline, maintenance and insurance as listed here:



I agree to the following restrictions, but understand that these restrictions will be modified by my parents as I get more driving experience and demonstrate that I am a responsible driver.

Safety Check

For the next _____ months, I will not drive after ________ p.m.

Safety Check

For the next _____ months, I will not transport more than _______ teen passengers (unless I am supervised by a responsible adult).

Safety Check

For the next _____ months, I won't adjust the stereo, electronic devices or air conditioning/heater while the car is moving.

Safety Check

For the next _____ months, I will not drive in bad weather.

Safety Check

I understand that I am not permitted to drive to off-limit locations or on roads and highways as listed here:


Safety Check

Additional restrictions:



Penalties for Agreement Violations:

Safety Check

Drove while texting (composed, read or sent message or email with phone).


Safety Check

Drove while talking on the cell phone (including hands-free or speakerphone).


Safety Check

Drove after drinking alcohol or using drugs.


Safety Check

Got ticket for speeding or moving violation.


Safety Check

Drove after night driving curfew.


Safety Check

Drove too many passengers.


Safety Check

Broke promise about seat belts (self and others).


Safety Check

Drove on a road or to an area that is off limits.



Safety CheckDriver Pledge

I agree to follow all the rules and restrictions in this agreement. I understand that my parents will impose penalties, including removal of my driving privileges, if I violate the agreement. I also understand that my parents will allow me greater driving privileges as I become more experienced and as I demonstrate that I am always a safe and responsible driver.





Safety CheckParent Promise

I also agree to drive safely and to be an excellent role model.

Parent (or guardian):




Parent (or guardian):




Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics (Copyright © 2023)
The information contained on this Web site should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.
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