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Edades y Etapas

Menú diario de muestra para un niño de 4 años de edad

This typical menu was designed for a 4-year-old weighing about 36 pounds.


  • One-half cup of 2% milk
  • One-half cup of cereal
  • Four to 6 oz of citrus or tomato juice or 1⁄2 cup of cantaloupe or strawberries


  • One-half cup of 2% milk
  • One-half cup of banana
  • One slice of whole wheat bread
  • One teaspoon of margarine (or butter)
  • One teaspoon of jelly


  • One-half cup of 2% milk
  • One sandwich—2 slices of whole wheat bread, 1 teaspoon of margarine (or butter) or 2 teaspoons of salad dressing, and 1 oz of meat or cheese
  • One-fourth cup of dark-yellow or dark-green vegetable


  • One teaspoon of peanut butter or 1 slice of low-fat cheese
  • One slice of whole wheat bread or 5 crackers


  • One-half cup of 2% milk
  • Two oz or about 1⁄4 cup of meat, fish, or chicken
  • One-half cup of pasta, rice, or potato
  • One-half cup of vegetables
  • One teaspoon of margarine (or butter) or 2 teaspoons of salad dressing
Última actualización
A Parent's Guide to Childhood Obesity: A Road Map to Health (Copyright ? 2006 American Academy of Pediatrics)
La información contenida en este sitio web no debe usarse como sustituto al consejo y cuidado médico de su pediatra. Puede haber muchas variaciones en el tratamiento que su pediatra podría recomendar basado en hechos y circunstancias individuales.