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Sliver or Splinter


  • A foreign object stuck in the skin
  • Some examples are a wood splinter, fishhook, glass sliver or needle

Symptoms of a Foreign Object in the Skin

  • Pain. Most tiny slivers in the top layer of skin do not cause much pain. An example of these tiny slivers is plant stickers. Objects that are deeper or go straight down are usually painful to pressure. Objects in the foot are very painful with standing or walking.
  • Foreign Object Sensation. Older children may complain about something being in the skin. ("I feel something in there.")

 Types of Foreign Bodies (Objects)

  • Wood (Organic): splinters, cactus spines, thorns, toothpicks. These objects are irritating and become infected if not removed.
  • Metallic: BBs, nails, sewing needles, pins, tacks
  • Fiberglass slivers
  • Fishhooks may have a barbed point that makes removal difficult
  • Glass sliver
  • Pencil lead (graphite, not lead)
  • Plastic sliver

Barton Schmitt MD, FAAP
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