Care Advice
What You Should Know About Eye Allergies:
- An eye allergy most often is caused by pollen that gets in the eye.
- The eyes can itch, burn or sting.
- All of these symptoms can go away with allergy eye drops.
- Eye allergies are common. They occur in 10% of children.
- Here is some care advice that should help.
Wash Allergens Off the Face:
- Use a wet washcloth to clean off the eyelids and face.
- Rinse the eyes with a small amount of warm water. Tears will do the rest.
- Then put a cold wet washcloth on the itchy eye.
- Prevention: wash the hair every night because it collects lots of pollen.
Oral Allergy Medicines:
- If the nose is also itchy and runny, your child probably has hay fever. Hay fever is allergic symptoms of both the nose and eyes.
- Give your child an allergy medicine by mouth. This should get rid of the nose and the eye symptoms. Sometimes eye drops will not be needed.
- Long-acting allergy medicines (such as Zyrtec) are best.
- No prescription is needed.
- This kind of medicine has 2 advantages over Benadryl. They cause less sedation and last up to 24 hours.
- Give allergy medicine every day. Do this until pollen season is over (about 2 months for each pollen).
Antihistamine Eye Drops for Pollen Allergies:
- Often, an oral allergy med for nose allergies will also control the eye allergy symptoms.
- If the eyes remain itchy and poorly controlled, buy some antihistamine eye drops. Ask your pharmacist to suggest a brand (such as Pataday). No prescription is needed.
- Age: approved for 2 years and older.
- Dose: follow package directions.
- For severe eye allergies, the use of antihistamine eye drops every day will help the most. Use these eye drops until pollen season is over.
Eye Drops: How to Use
- For a cooperative child, gently pull down on the lower lid. Put 1 drop inside the lower lid. Then ask your child to close the eye for 2 minutes. Reason: so the medicine will get into the tissues.
- For a child who won't open his eye, have him lie down. Put 1 drop over the inner corner of the eye. If your child opens the eye or blinks, the eye drop will flow in. If he doesn't open the eye, the drop will slowly seep into the eye.
Contact Lenses:
- Children who wear contact lenses need to switch to glasses for a while.
- This will help the eye heal faster.
What to Expect:
- If you know the cause of the allergy symptoms, try to avoid it. This is the case with animal allergies. The symptoms will not come back if there is no contact.
- But, you can't avoid pollens because they are in the air. Most eye allergies continue through the pollen season. They can last 4 to 8 weeks.
Call Your Doctor If:
- Itchy eyes aren't better in 2 days with allergy treatment
- You think your child needs to be seen
- Your child becomes worse
Remember! Contact your doctor if you or your child develop any "Contact Your Doctor" symptoms.