Care Advice
- Ear wax protects the lining of the ear canal and has germ-killing properties.
- If the earwax is removed, the ear canals become itchy.
- Do not use cotton swabs (Q-tips) in your child's ear.
- Call Your Doctor If: begins to look like pus (yellow or green discharge).
Clear Discharge (without head injury):
- Most likely, this is from tears or water that entered the ear canal. This can happen during a bath, shower, swimming or water fight.
- Don't overlook eardrops your child or someone else used without telling you.
- In children with ventilation tubes, some clear or slightly cloudy fluid can occur. This happens when a tube blockage opens up and drains.
- Call Your Doctor If: clear drainage lasts for more than 24 hours.
Blood After Ear Exam:
- Sometimes, ear wax needs to be removed by your doctor to see the eardrum. If ear wax was removed, it can cause a small scratch inside the ear canal. This happens about 10% of the time. The scratch oozes 1 or 2 drops of blood and then clots.
- This should heal up in a few days.
- It shouldn't affect the hearing.
- Don't put anything in the ear canal. This may start the bleeding again.
- Call Your Doctor If: bleeding starts again.
Cloudy Discharge - Ear Infection:
- Cloudy fluid or pus draining from the ear canal usually means there's an ear infection.
- The pus drains because there's a small tear in the eardrum.
- To help with the pain, give an acetaminophen product (such as Tylenol). Another choice is an ibuprofen product (such as Advil). Use as needed.
- See Earache care guide for more advice.
Call Your Doctor If:
- Your child becomes worse.
Remember! Contact your doctor if you or your child develop any "Contact Your Doctor" symptoms.