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Cracked or Dry Skin


  • Cracked skin or dry, rough skin
  • Cracked skin on hands, feet and lips
  • Dry, rough skin of entire body surface

Causes of Cracks in the Skin

  • Most cracked skin is found on the feet, hands or lips.
  • Feet. The soles of the feet are most commonly involved. Most often, cracks occur on the heels and big toes. This is called tennis shoe dermatitis. Deep cracks are very painful and can bleed. The main cause is wearing wet or sweaty socks or swimming a lot.
  • Hands. Cracks can develop on the hands in children. The main cause is washing the hands too much or washing dishes. Can also occur from working outside in winter weather. The worse cracks of the fingers occur with thumb sucking.
  • Lips. The lips can become chapped in children from the sun or wind. If the lips become cracked, it's usually from a "lip-licking" habit. The skin around the lips can also become pink and dry. This occurs especially in children who suck on their lips.

Causes of Dry Skin

  • Dry skin is a common condition.
  • Soap. Dry skin is mainly caused by too much bathing and soap (soap dermatitis). Soap removes the skin's natural protective oils. Once they are gone, the skin can't hold moisture.
  • Climate. Dry climates make dry skin worse, as does winter weather (called winter itch).
  • Genetics also plays a role in dry skin.
  • Dry skin is less common in teenagers than younger children. This is because the oil glands are more active.
  • Keratosis Pilaris - dry, rough, bumpy skin on the back of the upper arms. It's made worse by soaps. Treat with moisturizing creams.
  • Pityriasis Alba - dry pale spots on the face. These are more prevalent in the winter time and are also made worse by soaps. Treat with moisturizing creams.
  • Eczema. Children with eczema have very dry itchy skin.

Liquid Skin Bandage For Deep, Chronic Cracks

  • Liquid plastic skin bandage is a new product that seals wounds. It is a plastic coating that lasts up to 1 week.
  • It is the best way to relieve pain and promote healing. As the crack heals from the bottom upward, it pushes the plastic seal up.
  • After the wound is washed and dried, put the liquid on. It comes with a small brush or with a swab. It dries in less than a minute. Then apply a second coat. It's waterproof and may last a week.
  • You can buy this at any drug store. Many brands of liquid bandage are available. No prescription is needed.

Barton Schmitt MD, FAAP
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