Care Advice
Diagnosed or Suspected COVID-19 with Mild Symptoms - Treatment
COVID-19 Infection: What You Should Know about It
- Your child has been diagnosed as having COVID-19 by a positive test (home kit or lab) OR
- You or your doctor suspect COVID-19 because it is widespread in your community and your child has developed symptoms that match.
- Get a COVID-19 test if you have COVID-19 symptoms or had possible exposure. See Testing section below.
- Most infections are mild, especially in children.
- Here is some care advice that should help.
Treatment of Symptoms
- The treatment is the same whether your child has COVID-19, influenza or some other respiratory virus.
- Your child should stay home until:
- fever is gone for 24 hours (without taking fever-reducing medicines)
- has only mild symptoms and is improving
- Reason: you want to protect other people from getting it.
- For the following 5 days, take extra precautions. Wash hands often and avoid close contact with others (CDC March 2024). Avoid the elderly and people with weak immune systems or chronic health problems.
- Treat the symptoms that are bothering your child the most. See other Care Guides (such as Sore Throat or Cough) for details of treatment, if needed.
- Antiviral treatments have been developed for patients who are high risk for complications. They work best when given early. Check with your doctor for the most current information.
- Antibiotics are not helpful for viral infections.
- You don't need to call or see your doctor unless your child is at high risk for complications, develops trouble breathing or becomes worse in any other way.
Fever Treatment
- For fevers higher than 102° F (39° C) you may use acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
- For lower fevers, fever medicines are not needed. Reason: fevers turn on your body's immune system. Fever helps fight the infection.
- Exception: if the patient also has pain, treat it.
- Fluids: offer cool fluids in unlimited amounts. Reason: to prevent dehydration. For children younger than 6 months, only give formula or breastmilk. Staying well-hydrated also helps the body sweat and give off heat.
Cough Treatment
- Age less than 1 year: give extra breastmilk or formula. Avoid honey in this age group.
- Age 1 year and older: use honey, 1/2 to 1 teaspoon (2 to 5 mL) as needed as a homemade cough medicine. It can thin the secretions and loosen the cough. OTC cough syrups with honey in them are also available. They are not more effective than plain honey and cost much more per dose.
- Age 6 years and older: use cough drops (throat drops) to decrease the tickle in the throat. Avoid cough drops before 6 years. Reason: risk of choking.
- Over the Counter (OTC) cough medicines are not recommended. Reason: no proven benefit for children. Honey has been shown to work better.
- Don't use OTC cough medicines under 6 years of age. Reason: cough is a protective reflex.
Sore Throat Pain Relief:
COVID-19 often causes a sore throat. Here are some tips on treating it:- Age greater than 1 year: can sip warm fluids such as chicken broth or apple juice. Some children prefer cold foods such as popsicles or ice cream.
- Age greater than 6 years: can also suck on hard candy or lollipops. Butterscotch seems to help.
- Age greater than 8 years: can also gargle. Use warm water with a little table salt added. A liquid antacid can be added instead of salt. Use Mylanta or the store brand. No prescription is needed.
- Pain medicine: use if pain interferes with swallowing. Not needed for mild pain.
Muscle Pains - Treatment:
- COVID-19 can normally cause muscle pains and body aches.
- Massage: gently massage any sore muscles.
- Stretching: gently stretch any sore muscles.
- Apply Heat: use a heat pack, heating pad or warm wet washcloth. Do this for 10 minutes, 3 times daily.
- Warm bath: for widespread muscle pains, consider a warm bath for 20 minutes 2 times a day. Gently exercise the sore muscles under water.
- Pain medicine: for widespread body aches, give acetaminophen (such as Tylenol) every 4 hours OR ibuprofen (such as Motrin or Advil) every 6 hours as needed. Not needed for mild aches.
Fluids - Stay well Hydrated
- Drink lots of fluids. Water is best.
- Goal: keep the patient well hydrated.
- It loosens up any phlegm in the lungs. Then it's easier to cough up.
- It also helps the body sweat and give off heat.
Call Your Doctor If:
- Shortness of breath occurs
- Trouble breathing occurs
- Your child becomes worse
How to Protect Others - When You or Your Child Are Sick:
- Stay home until fever is gone for 24 hours and symptoms are mild and improving. Do not allow visitors.
- For the following 5 days, take extra precautions. Wash hands often and avoid close contact with others (CDC March 2024). Carefully avoid any contact with people 65 years and older. Also avoid people with weak immune systems or other chronic health problems.
- Do Not go to school.
- Cover the Cough. Cough and sneeze into your shirt sleeve or inner elbow. Don't cough into your hand or the air. If available, sneeze into a tissue and throw it into a trash can.
- Wash hands often with soap and water. After coughing or sneezing are important times.
- Don't share glasses, plates or eating utensils.
COVID-19 Testing
COVID-19 Testing Questions
- If COVID-19 is suspected, get a test to know for sure. You can't tell by symptoms. Reason: most respiratory viruses cause similar symptoms.
- Home self-test kits are easy to get at many grocery and drug stores.
- Most doctor's offices, retail clinics and urgent care centers also offer testing.
- Here are some facts that may answer some of your questions:
- Diagnostic tests are performed on nasal or mouth secretions. The tests can tell us if you have a COVID-19 infection now. Timing is important on when to do this test:
- With Symptoms. Get a test within 3 days of onset of symptoms.
- Without Symptoms and a COVID-19 close contact. You can get a test on day 5 after the last day of exposure.
COVID-19 Prevention
COVID-19 Vaccine - Get Your COVID-19 Shot(s):
- Stay current with your COVID-19 shot(s). Vaccines have saved more lives than any other public health action. They are the most powerful weapon we have against deadly infectious diseases. Follow the science.
- Safe and effective vaccines are now available for people age 6 months and older.
- Get your COVID-19 vaccine(s). It could save your life and protect your family. To see if you are current with your vaccine(s), check the CDC website.
- Vaccine Sites: find a nearby vaccine site at or call your doctor's office.
COVID-19 - How to Protect Yourself and Family from Catching It - The Basics:
- Get the COVID-19 vaccine(s) when eligible. It is your best protection against this serious infection.
- Avoid close contact with sick people.
- Consider wearing a face mask when community spread is high.
- Wash hands often with soap and water (very important). Always do this before you eat.
- Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if water is not available. Remember: soap and water work better.
- Don't touch your eyes, nose or mouth unless your hands are clean. Germs on the hands can get into your body this way.
- Don't share glasses, plates or eating utensils.
Remember! Contact your doctor if you or your child develop any "Contact Your Doctor" symptoms.