Care Advice
What You Should Know About Breath-Holding Spells:
- While breath-holding spells are scary for parents, they are harmless.
- Normal breathing always returns on its own.
- The spells don't lead to seizures (epilepsy).
- Here is some care advice that should help.
Lie Down:
- During the spell, have your child lie down.
- This will increase blood flow to the brain.
- Remove any food from his mouth.
- Do not hold your child upright. It decreases blood flow to the brain. This could cause some jerking of body muscles.
Cold Washcloth to Forehead:
- Put a cold, wet washcloth on your child's forehead. Keep it on until he or she starts breathing again.
- That's the only care your child needs.
Time the Length of Not Breathing:
- These spells always seem to last longer than they really do.
- Time the length of a few spells. Use a watch with a second hand.
- Breathing almost always returns by 60 seconds.
- It's hard to guess at the length of a spell and get it right.
Stay Calm:
- Don't start mouth-to-mouth breathing. Don't call 911.
- Don't put anything in your child's mouth. It could cause choking or vomiting.
- Never shake your baby. It can cause bleeding in the brain.
Don't Give In After the Spell:
- Some breath-holding spells start with a temper tantrum. Example: your child wanted something and you said "No." Don't give in to your child before or after the attack.
- After spells, give your child a brief hug and go about your normal routine.
What to Expect:
- Spells happen from 1 or 2 times a day to 1 or 2 times a month.
- Kids outgrow them by age 6.
Call Your Doctor If:
- Spells become more frequent
- Spells change
- You think your child needs to be seen
- Your child becomes worse
Remember! Contact your doctor if you or your child develop any "Contact Your Doctor" symptoms.