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Breast Symptoms-Child


  • Breast symptoms in a young girl before puberty
  • Breast buds (the first sign of puberty in girls) are also covered

Symptoms included in this guide are:

  • Breast buds are the most common concern. Breast buds are small, disc-shaped lumps felt under the nipple and areola. Any lump found under the areola is a breast bud until proven otherwise.
  • Breast symptoms in newborns are also covered.
  • Other symptoms: breast lump, breast redness and nipple discharge.

Early Breast Development Caused by Contact with Estrogens: Prevention

  • Early breast development before age 8 can be caused by estrogens in the environment. Estrogen is a type of hormone. Parents should consider these potential exposures:
    • Estrogen in cosmetics, such as hair creams
    • Birth control pills
    • Estrogen sprays to reduce hot flashes during menopause
    • Lavender oil and tea tree oil have weak estrogen in them
  • Prevention: use and store these products carefully. Wash your hands thoroughly after applying.

Barton Schmitt MD, FAAP
Disclaimer: this health information is for educational purposes only. You, the reader, assume full responsibility for how you choose to use it.
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