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Asthma Attack


  • Your child is having an asthma attack
  • Use this guide only if a doctor has told you your child has asthma

Symptoms of Asthma

  • Symptoms of an asthma attack are wheezing, a cough, tight chest, and trouble breathing.
  • Wheezing is the classic symptom. Wheezing is a high-pitched whistling or purring sound. You can hear it best when your child is breathing out.
  • The diagnosis of asthma requires attacks of wheezing or trouble breathing that recur. The diagnosis is rarely made before 1 year of age.

Causes (Triggers) of Asthma Attacks

  • Infections that affect breathing (like colds or the flu)
  • Pollens (trees, grass and weeds)
  • Animals (like cats or rabbits)
  • Exercise
  • Tobacco smoke
  • Irritants (such as smog, car exhaust, menthol vapors, barns, dirty basement)
  • Food Allergy (Serious). Asthma attacks caused by food allergy can be life-threatening (anaphylaxis). Examples are nuts or fish.

Asthma Attack Scale

  • Mild - Green Zone (doing well): no asthma symptoms. Talks normally. Normal work, play and sleep. Peak Flow Rate 80-100% of normal rate.
  • Mild - Yellow Zone: no breathing problems. May have mild cough or wheezing on and off that does not last. Peak Flow Rate over 80% of normal rate.
  • Moderate - Yellow Zone (getting worse): some breathing problems. Speaks in phrases. Wheezing can be heard. Mild retractions are present (ribs pull in with each breath). Chest may feel tight. Frequent cough. Peak Flow Rate 50-80% of normal rate.
  • Severe - Red Zone (medical alert): lots of breathing problems. Short of breath at rest. Speaks in single words. Wheezing may be loud. Rarely, wheezing is absent due to poor air movement. Retractions may be severe. Peak Flow Rate less than 50% of normal rate.
  • 911 Asthma Symptoms: struggling to breathe. Can't speak. Drowsy or confused. Plus other Severe asthma symptoms (above). In infants, short cries and grunting sounds.
  • Peak Flow Meter: a peak flow meter measures Peak Flow Rates (PFR). It tells us how well a person can move air out of the lungs. A PFR can be used in children 6 years and older.

Vaping and Lung Damage

  • Talk with your teen about the dangers of vaping.
  • Vaping can cause severe lung damage. It can become permanent.
  • Vaping can even cause death (50 in the US in 2019).
  • Vaping tobacco also causes nicotine addiction.
  • For these reasons, the legal age to purchase vaping products is 21 in the US.
  • Encourage your teen to not start vaping or to give it up.
  • Warning: home-made or street-purchased vaping solutions are the most dangerous.

Barton Schmitt MD, FAAP
Disclaimer: this health information is for educational purposes only. You, the reader, assume full responsibility for how you choose to use it.
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