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Focus on 4th of July Safety
July 2019 | Issue No. 187
Stay Safe this 4th of July
On any other day of the year, would you hand your child matches or a flaming candle to play with? Probably, a hard no. Don't let the 4th of July mess with all of the ways you work so hard keep your child safe.
Think twice about fireworks and sparklers. Nearly half of the fireworks injuries to children under the age of 5 are caused by sparklers. 
Even if fireworks are legal to purchase and use in your community, they are not safe around children. Leave the fireworks to the professionals and watch a public display near you. 
  • Understand how to operate an e-scooter safely before riding it. 
  • Know that e-scooters are easily accessible to minors. 
  • Talk with your college-aged children about the dangers of operating e-scooters while texting, listing to music, or while under the influence of alcohol. 
E-Scooters Aren’t for Kids: AAP Urges Safety Rules
Also In This Issue
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