Between four and seven months, your baby will continue to
gain approximately 1 to 1-1⁄4 pounds (0.45 to 0.56 kg) a month. By the time she
reaches her eight month birthday, she probably will weigh about two and a half
times what she did at birth. Her bones also will continue to grow at a rapid
rate. As a result, during these months her length will increase by about 2
inches (5 cm) and her head circumference by about 1 inch (2.5 cm).
Your Baby’s Rate of Growth
Your child’s specific weight and height are not as important
as her rate
of growth. Continue to plot
her measurements at regular intervals to make sure she keeps growing at the
same rate.
If you find that she’s beginning to follow a
different curve or gaining weight or height unusually slowly, discuss
it with your pediatrician.